Yesterday, ex-senior politician Chris Huhne and his charmingly vengeful ex-wife, Vicky Pryce, were finally sentenced to a term in prison; it seems very unlikely they will be sharing a cell. What started off as a simple motoring offence, ten years ago, led to public humiliation, the further break up of a family, and a cost […]
Obesity, Cheap Food And Lack Of Responsibility

You don’t need to be a brain surgeon to know that if you buy cheap food it’s unlikely to have much nutritional value and could lead to obesity. Combined with a lack of exercise, some degree of obesity is almost guaranteed Apparently, though, obesity is not our fault. Over the last decade we have become […]
Beckham’s Bulge, Breasts on Page 3 and Restraint In The Media
In his article Freedom Doesn’t Mean Let It All Hang Out columnist, Simon Jenkins, argues for more restraint from the media and advertisers. The full article can be read by clicking here:
Pope’s Resignation – Was This A Freudian Slip?

Today the Pope announced to the world he was to resign his position. The Irish internet news publisher The seems to have suffered a bit of a mistype when reporting the Pope’s resignation statement. It was an error that was quickly rectified – after it had already made headlines of its own on Twitter! […]
Chris Huhne – A Fool And A Liar

‘Liar Liar your bum’s on fire’ might hopefully pass through the mind of disgraced politician Chris Huhne when he is finally introduced to his new cellmate. After all, the judge at yesterday’s trial made it very clear that Huhne is looking at serving time, after he finally pleaded guilty to the serious charge of perverting […]
Nick Robinson Headline

I am not sure much thought can have been given to this Nick Robinson headline on the BBC News website – but it made me laugh!
Comment on Announcement Of HS2
Matthew Sinclair, director of the TaxPayers’ Alliance, comments on the government announcement of the proposed HS2 high speed rail link to the north: “It is extremely disappointing that the Government is pressing ahead with plans for a new high speed rail line that will cost taxpayers a fortune. The economic case for the new line […]
Topless In Davos
It seems ironic that women who want to protest about male domination in big business feel they have to go topless, paint their breasts with slogans and set off pink flares. However, the members of Ukrainian women’s rights group Femen felt that was exactly the right thing to do at the recent World Economic Forum […]
Why I’m Not Mad About Harry

Prince Harry is back home. That’s the news that has been dominating the headlines for the last couple of days. Both the BBC and ITV are planning to show programmes of his life while serving as ‘Captain Wales’ in Afghanistan for the past few months. Of course, as we all now know, Harry is a […]
Is Mitchell The Real Pleb?

Just when you thought it was safe to ride your bike quietly through the gates of Downing Street he’s back! Yes, Andrew Mitchell former Government Chief Whip has re-surfaced through the smoke created by his unplanned departure from office. He, and his buddies in the Conservatives are relying on CCTV footage, supplied by 10 Downing […]