My Election Letterboxomiter No 2

Forget the fancy graphs, forget the animating graphics, the only true way of judging what is happening in this election, is to monitor what falls through your letterbox. This latest update to My Letterboxomiter, reveals all the clutter to fall onto my doormat in the last week has been from one party: The Conservatives. In […]

Why Are Political Candidates So Crap With Social Media?

There seems a certain irony when our politicians have been pushing for a faster internet and Gordon Brown is claiming “in five years time we can be the digital leader of the world” that very few of them seem to know how to make use of it. This election is the first when all the […]

‘Terrorism’ ‘Liberty’ And The ‘Fear of Fear!’

Parliament’s Joint Committee on Human Rights, comprised of peers and MPs from all parties, has reached a conclusion that many of us formed a long time ago – the government’s response to the threat of terrorism in the UK far exceeds the probability of an incident. The committee has questioned whether ministers could legitimately argue, […]

Climate For A Change…Of Message!

The UK’s Climate Change Secretary, Ed Miliband, has stated it would be “profoundly irresponsible” to use one “mistake” as an excuse not to act. He was referring to the fact that the Himalayan Glaciers have not seemed to melt in quite the ‘doom and gloom’ manner predicted by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate […]

MMR Jab – The ‘Proof’ Is Still Out There!

One of the biggest decisions for parents of small children over the last decade, has been whether to have a child vaccinated with the MMR jab. The triple vaccine is said to protect against Measles, Mumps and Rubella and is highly recommended by the officers of our nanny state who, of course, always know best. […]

Robin Hood And The Twitter Terrorist!

It’s a well known fact that Twitter is the place where terrorists the world over announce their intentions to commit another outrage. Well isn’t it? Errrr actually no it’s not. It is, instead, a place where millions of people the world over empty their heads by sharing thoughts that can sometimes be outrageous and stupid. […]

Nick Clegg, Schools And The Gay Vote!

Nick Clegg, leader of the Liberal Democrat Party, has stated that all school children, particularly those from faith schools, should be taught that same-sex relationships are “normal and harmless”. He also said: “Crucially faith schools should have a requirement to have an anti-homophobic bullying policy at their school.” Surely, there should be a requirement to […]