A ‘Charge’ Harriet Harman Won’t Be Claiming!

Labour’s deputy leader, Harriet Harman, is to face prosecution after all, following a police investigation into her alleged car smash back in July (see earlier post). The Crown Prosecution Service said in a statement: ‘The Crown Prosecution Service has decided there is sufficient evidence and it is in the public interest to prosecute the Rt […]

Remembrance Sunday and The Afghanistan/Iraq Conflicts

Today is the day we remember all those who have died in conflict fighting to preserve our freedom. Since my earliest childhood memory of men and women standing around the Cenotaph in warm black coats, silently laying wreaths of bright red poppies, it has been about those who fought in WW1 and WW2. Now, though, […]

Guardian Gagged From Reporting Parliament!

The Guardian newspaper has announced it has been gagged from reporting parliamentary proceedings, on legal grounds, for the first time in living memory. It has said in its report: Today’s published Commons order papers contain a question to be answered by a minister later this week. The Guardian is prevented from identifying the MP who […]

Sympathy For MPs? – Not Even Slightly!

OK..Ok it’s time to own up…aren’t you feeling just a little bit of sympathy for that dysfunctional group of society called MPs? After all, they have just returned from weeks and weeks on an expensive summer vacation (working in their constituencies, of course, and not holidaying in their second homes or travelling the world) to […]

Arse Kicking At Parliament Buildings!

For a country that has so many surveillance cameras the authorities can virtually see the state of your colon as you walk down the street – and all in the name of anti-terrorism – it comes as some surprise to learn that 50 Greenpeace campaigners (protesting against global warming) have been able to climb onto […]

Support World Mental Health Day – You Would Be Mad Not To!

Today, is World Mental Health Day. It has been organised to try to stimulate discussion on what seems to be one of the most stigmatised areas of modern medicine: mental illness. Most people would rather own up to having a serious sexual disease than admit they suffer from the most common form of mental disorder […]

London’s ‘Mayor Boris’ Tries to ‘Stuff’ Paxo

I have only just caught up with this interview between London’s somewhat eccentric Mayor, Boris Johnson and BBC Newsnight’s ‘Rottweiler’ frontman Jeremy Paxman. It was recorded at the Conservative Party conference in Manchester on October 5th. I am not sure if it is really about politics or is just an audition for the lead roles […]

Is Harriet Harman More Equal Than Anyone Else?

“I’m Harriet Harman, you know where you can get me.” Those are the words of Labour’s deputy leader, Harriet Harman. They were not the reassuring words of an MP to a worried constituent but, instead, are alleged to have been made to a witness, who saw a parked car hit by Ms Harman’s vehicle, while […]

PM Finally ‘Graduates’ From Business School

“We are doing the right thing to make sure that for the future as we move into a full recovery we will invest and grow within sustainable public finances – cutting costs where we can, ensuring efficiency where it’s needed, agreeing realistic public sector pay settlements throughout, selling off the unproductive assets we don’t need […]

Is Our Prime Minister Depressed Or Just Useless?

There has been an increasing level of discussion in the ‘world of blogs’ over the last week about whether Gordon Brown, our Prime Minister, is suffering from depression and whether he is being treated with medication. To my knowledge, the mainstream media have not, so far, made reference to the theory but I am sure […]