“If we have learnt one thing from the economic crisis, it is that you can’t build a future on debt.” The words of the Lib Dem leader, Nick Clegg, on 28th April 2010. So, how come he is now agreeing to anyone who has aspirations for a better education, leading to a better future, to […]
Milibands – Is Blood Thicker Than Political Water?
‘I can best support Ed from the backbenches’ says David Miliband about his younger brother, who beat him by a single percentage point to become leader of the Labour party. Of course, what he really means is if he were to accept a senior position in the shadow cabinet , he will permanently be under […]
Leading Labour Into The ‘Brotherhood’
Tomorrow, we will finally learn who is to be the new leader of the Labour Party. One things seems certain: whoever it is will have the surname Miliband. Yes folks, Labour’s Miliband family roadshow has finally parked up, after a leadership campaign lasting longer than the average series of the X Factor. Unlike in that […]
Vince Cable Is Doing The Right Business!
Yesterday’s speech, (full text here) by veteran politician Vince Cable, at the Liberal Democrat Conference in Liverpool, has been derided by many as being an attack on the very heart of British business, the banks and the basic freedoms of capitalism. ‘How dare he attack the very organisations he is supposed to be promoting in […]
Is This Our New Democracy?
On the day that Parliament was re-opened by The Queen and her new coalition government took control of the UK on a promise of a more fair society and the shrinking of a controlling state, it seems somewhat ironic, that long time anti-war campaigner Brian Haw was arrested this morning by the Metropolitan Police. Mr […]
Has Clegg Entered A Bum Deal?
If politics were to be compared with a meal, we have been served more courses over the last week than we could possibly digest but somehow I am still feeling unsatisfied. When the news was announced on Tuesday evening of our new coalition government I was at first relieved but then after a short while […]
All Change On The Number Ten…!
Finally, after the usual long wait, it’s all change on the No.10 bus. Gordon Brown, the previous driver, has been forced to retire prematurely following several careless accidents. Meanwhile, David Cameron has replaced him at the wheel and is now in the driver’s seat of a slick, shiny, new hybrid vehicle comprised from the parts […]
A Labour MP’s Summary Of His Party’s Version Of Democracy!
“In the last two days the Conservative party has had two meetings, the Lib Dems three and continuous email contact. Labour has had none,” “We are to have one Wednesday 2.30pm by which time it will probably be all over. No need to consult us when all the decisions can be taken by Mandy and […]
Lack Of Government And The Financial Plughole.
According to a respected economist on the BBC this morning, the amount our dying government is spending per day is £550m more than we are collecting in taxes etc. That means in the 4 days of dithering to decide who is going to lead the country after the election, we are a whopping £2bn further […]
Four Days On – Still No Leadership!
Four days after we found out the not so surprising news we have a hung parliament and with both the Conservatives and Labour offering concessions and deals to the Lib Dems for their support to govern, we are still none the wiser who will gain power. It seems almost unbelievable that plans were not discussed […]