According to a report in today’s Independent, the average cost of bidding farewell to one’s dear departed, is now £7,018 taking into account legal costs, funeral expenses and flowers etc. This is a rise of 42 percent over the last five years. The funeral industry says the cost of new environmental procedures has been largely […]
Michael Jackson ‘Homicide’ – What The Coroner Found..
The much revered Michael Jackson, who died after suffering a cardiac arrest in June, had a cocktail of drugs in his body which included Midazolam, Diazepam, Lidocaine, Lorazepam and Ephredrine. The Los Angeles coroner has now announced the official cause of death as ‘homicide due to intoxication by anaesthetic‘ with the primary drugs responsible being […]
Lockerbie Bomber Leaves More Questions Than Conviction!
The only man convicted over the Lockerbie bombing 20 years ago, Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed Al Megrahi, has, as expected, been released from his life sentence on compassionate grounds. Megrahi is said to be suffering from prostate cancer and is not expected to live for more than a few months. No one can deny the bombing […]
NHS – In Sickness Or In Health?
Right wing politicians in the USA have been knocking our NHS system and predictably, our own political leaders have been very vocal in, rather hastily, jumping to it’s defence. While it is admirable for them to do so, a cynic might focus on the fact that almost 1.4 million people are employed by the NHS […]
Paramedic Struck Off After Oral Sex!
A much needed paramedic who was caught during the act of being given oral sex in the car park of a hospital, was today struck off the register. The chair of the disciplinary panel hearing his case said the act would: “offend the morals of any right-thinking member of the public” Had the 53 year […]
Michael Jackson – Controversial To The End!
The King is dead – well the much celebrated ‘King of Pop’ anyway! In the unlikely event you have been hidden away in a cave and not heard the news, singer, dancer and musician, Michael Jackson, passed away during Thursday evening (UK time) from what is said to have been a heart attack. The media, […]
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Queuing For The Right To Die!
Today, I was shocked to learn that over eight hundred people in the UK have added their names to a waiting list – to die. They are queueing to attend special clinics in Switzerland, where the law permits assisted suicides and where they will be helped to end their lives with dignity. Of course, most […]
Doctor Drills Into Boy’s Brain Using A DeWalt!
It would be very easy to bore the bum off you with another story of greed and deception in Parliament, but to be honest there are only so many expletives one can use to describe those greedy, arrogant shits. Tonight then I am going to give you the night off and focus on someone who […]
Pandemic Of The Press!
It seems we are all doomed. Well we are if we are to believe the stories in the tabloids and the reports being shown on tonight’s early evening news. Apparently, two people in the UK have now been confirmed as having Swine Flu, the highly contagious version of the flu family for which we do […]