Michael Jackson ‘Homicide’ – What The Coroner Found..

The much revered Michael Jackson, who died after suffering a cardiac arrest in June, had a cocktail of drugs in his body which included Midazolam, Diazepam, Lidocaine, Lorazepam and Ephredrine. The Los Angeles coroner has now announced the official cause of death as ‘homicide due to intoxication by anaesthetic‘ with the primary drugs responsible being […]

Lockerbie Bomber Leaves More Questions Than Conviction!

The only man convicted over the Lockerbie bombing 20 years ago, Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed Al Megrahi, has, as expected, been released from his life sentence on compassionate grounds. Megrahi is said to be suffering from prostate cancer and is not expected to live for more than a few months. No one can deny the bombing […]