MMR Jab – The ‘Proof’ Is Still Out There!

One of the biggest decisions for parents of small children over the last decade, has been whether to have a child vaccinated with the MMR jab. The triple vaccine is said to protect against Measles, Mumps and Rubella and is highly recommended by the officers of our nanny state who, of course, always know best. […]

‘Obscenity’ And The Ministry of Defence

Defence Secretary, Bob Ainsworth, has been forced to reveal, in reply to a parliamentary question, that a senior official at the Ministry of Defence trousered a bonus payment of £84,500 last year. The average payment for senior fixed term appointees was said to be £31,890 over the same period. What the heck is a ‘senior […]

Robin Hood And The Twitter Terrorist!

It’s a well known fact that Twitter is the place where terrorists the world over announce their intentions to commit another outrage. Well isn’t it? Errrr actually no it’s not. It is, instead, a place where millions of people the world over empty their heads by sharing thoughts that can sometimes be outrageous and stupid. […]

There’s ‘Snow’ Reason To Believe The Daily Mail

Today’s Headline on the Daily Mail’s website Mail Online is shown above. It reports that eight inches more snow is expected today and tomorrow. It also reports panic buying in the shops with ‘essentials’ having sold out. it specifically mentions my home county of Kent saying: “In Kent, for where the Met Office has issued […]

Was Hoon Just The ‘Puppet’?

If you feel your life is a little bit cold at the moment, Geoff Hoon must be finding it positively Siberian. After yesterday’s failed attempt, with Patricia Hewitt, to stir up a leadership challenge in his party, he is now having to suffer the full scorn and ridicule of his colleagues. I have surprised myself […]

Wootton Bassett Does Not Need Islam 4 UK

The previously little known web-based extremist group, Islam4UK, has managed to grab attention in the media by creating an outcry over its plans to hold a demonstration in the Wiltshire town of Wootton Bassett – the town whose people have lined the streets to honour the passing coffins of our military personnel returned from Afghanistan. […]

Is Harriet Harman More Equal Than Anyone Else?

“I’m Harriet Harman, you know where you can get me.” Those are the words of Labour’s deputy leader, Harriet Harman. They were not the reassuring words of an MP to a worried constituent but, instead, are alleged to have been made to a witness, who saw a parked car hit by Ms Harman’s vehicle, while […]

Michael Jackson ‘Homicide’ – What The Coroner Found..

The much revered Michael Jackson, who died after suffering a cardiac arrest in June, had a cocktail of drugs in his body which included Midazolam, Diazepam, Lidocaine, Lorazepam and Ephredrine. The Los Angeles coroner has now announced the official cause of death as ‘homicide due to intoxication by anaesthetic‘ with the primary drugs responsible being […]

Enoch Powell Was Not A Racist……He Was A Prophet !

A Tory Member of the European Parliament, Daniel Hannan, has got himself into hot water with his peers – yet again. Two weeks ago he was severely criticised for describing the NHS as a “60 year mistake” – his Party Leader David Cameron publicly denounced his views as “eccentric”. Hannan’s latest ‘crime’ is to tell […]

Lockerbie Bomber Leaves More Questions Than Conviction!

The only man convicted over the Lockerbie bombing 20 years ago, Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed Al Megrahi, has, as expected, been released from his life sentence on compassionate grounds. Megrahi is said to be suffering from prostate cancer and is not expected to live for more than a few months. No one can deny the bombing […]