I was led to the video below from the Liberal Conspiracy website because I was interested in witnessing the footage of a policeman punching a student at the recent demonstrations in London; I was not disappointed. I found it horrifying to witness the pure aggression of the officers who were forming the line blocking the […]
The Hacker Who Broke Into US Never-Never Land!
“Cyberspace doesn’t exist any more than never-never land. I was no more in America than anyone who is on a long-distance telephone call. The fiction of cyberspace should be properly tested in a British court because it is no more real than Santa Claus. They cannot “return” me to a country I wasn’t in, yet […]
‘Terrorism’ ‘Liberty’ And The ‘Fear of Fear!’
Parliament’s Joint Committee on Human Rights, comprised of peers and MPs from all parties, has reached a conclusion that many of us formed a long time ago – the government’s response to the threat of terrorism in the UK far exceeds the probability of an incident. The committee has questioned whether ministers could legitimately argue, […]
Surprise Surprise…It Is Winter And It Is Snowing!!
If you were watching the TV news this evening you would think we were approaching the end of the world. Shock horror….it has been snowing! The white stuff has already caused chaos in Northern parts of the country and now there is more panic as it is heads to the capital and into the South […]
A ‘Charge’ Harriet Harman Won’t Be Claiming!
Labour’s deputy leader, Harriet Harman, is to face prosecution after all, following a police investigation into her alleged car smash back in July (see earlier post). The Crown Prosecution Service said in a statement: ‘The Crown Prosecution Service has decided there is sufficient evidence and it is in the public interest to prosecute the Rt […]
Life On Planet Concussion!
It has been a while since I last posted on here, following my spectacular dive down the stairs and my teeth numbing stop, using my head as a brake, against a doorframe. Since my unplanned flight, I have been living on Planet Concussion. It is a strange world I entered after needing the rather confusing […]
London’s ‘Mayor Boris’ Tries to ‘Stuff’ Paxo
I have only just caught up with this interview between London’s somewhat eccentric Mayor, Boris Johnson and BBC Newsnight’s ‘Rottweiler’ frontman Jeremy Paxman. It was recorded at the Conservative Party conference in Manchester on October 5th. I am not sure if it is really about politics or is just an audition for the lead roles […]
Is Harriet Harman More Equal Than Anyone Else?
“I’m Harriet Harman, you know where you can get me.” Those are the words of Labour’s deputy leader, Harriet Harman. They were not the reassuring words of an MP to a worried constituent but, instead, are alleged to have been made to a witness, who saw a parked car hit by Ms Harman’s vehicle, while […]
BBC Bans The Word ‘Butcher’
I am irritated! Tonight, while travelling home from work, I was listening to the excellent Eddie Nestor who hosts the drivetime programme on BBC London 94.9FM. Eddie is one of the few broadcasters who has the rare gift of being able to discuss any subject, however sensitive, in a fair and amiable way, while still […]
Baby P – Should The Gagging Order Have Been Lifted?
The case of the torture and death of Baby P, two years ago, is still shocking. The 17-month-old child had been abused over a period of months during which his back and ribs had been broken along with other horrific injuries. I still cannot bring myself to read all of the details. The fact the […]