I’d like to say I know what’s going on in the country, but I don’t. I’d like to say I feel secure, but I don’t. I’d like to say I’m feeling positive but I’m not! The remarkable events of the last week have turned everything topsy turvy and the lunatics appear to be running amok […]
Europe – Making Your Mind Up!

I haven’t written anything for over a year. Don’t ask me why, as I love writing and emptying my head to the world. My last post was all about the lead up to the General Election of May 2015. It turned into an event resembling a circus and was fought using blame, fear, accusations and […]
Election – Is It Just A Gameshow Called ‘Democracy’?

Just in case you’ve been away for the last couple of months and have returned to find an atmosphere of apathy sweeping our nation, I can reveal that today is the day of our much hyped General Election. By placing a small ‘x’ next to the name of someone you have probably never met – […]
Are Our MPs Really Paid A Pittance?
“We want to have good people doing the job and they need to be paid fairly. Now, that’s not paid in excess but it’s not being paid a miserly amount either.” Marcial Boo, chief executive of the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority (Ipsa) trying his best to justify increasing the salary of an MP from £67,000 […]
Margaret Thatcher Dies
Ex- Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher died today aged 87. Like her, or loathe her, her legacy lives on: ” I love argument. I love debate. I don’t expect anyone just to sit there and agree with me – that’s not their job” – Margaret Thatcher speaking in 1980
Chris Huhne Speeding To A Prison Cell

Yesterday, ex-senior politician Chris Huhne and his charmingly vengeful ex-wife, Vicky Pryce, were finally sentenced to a term in prison; it seems very unlikely they will be sharing a cell. What started off as a simple motoring offence, ten years ago, led to public humiliation, the further break up of a family, and a cost […]
Chris Huhne – A Fool And A Liar

‘Liar Liar your bum’s on fire’ might hopefully pass through the mind of disgraced politician Chris Huhne when he is finally introduced to his new cellmate. After all, the judge at yesterday’s trial made it very clear that Huhne is looking at serving time, after he finally pleaded guilty to the serious charge of perverting […]
Gay Marriage And Manifestos
Today sees the supposedly devisive debate on allowing gay marriage in the UK. It has been compared to Leo Abse’s 1966 landmark Sexual Offences Bill. During the presentation of the Bill to MPs in the Commons, Sir Cyril Osborne, who was regarded as its main opponent argued: I claim that the sponsors of the bill […]
Moral Multi-Nationals, Politicians and Tax

When politicians use the word ‘moral’, the hairs on the back of my neck start tingling and I get a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. And so it was when Margaret Hodge MP told executives from Starbucks, Amazon and Google: There is a growing anger among ordinary people who pay their taxes […]
Leveson Law Lacks Logic

The Leveson inquiry into press standards was long, laboured and often laborious. Many gave their evidence but the most revealing were those from the world of celebrity. Several had built their careers on publicity granted by the press, but didn’t like the attention shown towards them once they had become famous – or in some […]