Was Jimmy Savile A Groomer Or A Shepherd?

He had ‘groomed a nation’ were the well drafted words – deliberately aimed to make headlines – at last week’s release of the report into Jimmy Savile’s alleged reign, as a predatory paedophile. The findings, prepared jointly by police officers from Operation Yewtree, and the NSPCC, claimed Savile had been sexually abusing vulnerable teenagers and […]

Is Mitchell The Real Pleb?


Just when you thought it was safe to ride your bike quietly through the gates of Downing Street he’s back! Yes, Andrew Mitchell former Government Chief Whip has re-surfaced through the smoke created by his unplanned departure from office. He, and his buddies in the Conservatives are relying on CCTV footage, supplied by 10 Downing […]

Kate Pukes, Oz DJs Gag And The Media Is Sickened

When I heard the news that the Duchess of Cambridge (or should I call her Kate? – she is, after all, just one of ‘us’) is pregnant, I thought ‘that’s nice’. When it was announced she had been admitted to a private London hospital suffering from a nasty form of morning sickness, I thought ’poor […]

Leveson Law Lacks Logic

Lord Leveson

The Leveson inquiry into press standards was long, laboured and often laborious. Many gave their evidence but the most revealing were those from the world of celebrity. Several had built their careers on publicity granted by the press, but didn’t like the attention shown towards them once they had become famous – or in some […]

Jimmy Savile – More Questions Than Answers

The Jimmy Savile nightmare continues…. Late last year (after Savile’s death) a team from BBC2’s Newsnight started investigating claims that Savile had been active in sexually abusing young girls for decades. They based their story, almost totally, on the claims of women who had been resident in care homes whilst in their teens. Remarkably, Savile’s […]

It Must Be Apology Season For Politicians

It must be apology season for politicians of all parties. First, last week, we had the heartfelt apology of shadow Northern Ireland minister, Stephen Pound, who denied he had fallen asleep during a commons debate, but who then made his apology, claiming he hadn’t realised it was him who had been spotted dozing (yawn). Next, […]

Kate’s Breasts Are Not The Real Problem

Following on from last week’s revelation that Prince Harry has a bottom, the nation is, today, reeling from the news that his sister-in-law, Kate, Duchess of Cambridge has breasts. The French version of Closer magazine has published topless pictures, which they say were taken of the Duchess and her husband whilst they were enjoying a […]

Is Cameron Trying To Benefit From Benefits?

Prime Minister David Cameron

I really didn’t want to like what prime minister David Cameron said yesterday about the need for benefit reforms but the more I read, the more I was surprised to find myself agreeing with some of his reasoning. Normally when a member of this government starts talking ‘benefits’, it is to paint a bleak picture […]