It has not been a good week for London’s finest. The Metropolitan Police have been in the firing line, twice, in just a few days. Firstly, they have been accused of contributing to the the death of a newspaper seller, who had a heart attack soon after being pushed to the ground, by an officer […]
More ‘Blues’ For The Home Secretary!
You really couldn’t make it up Only two weeks ago,Home Secretary, Jacqui Smith, was embarrassed by the revelation that her expenses had included compensation for pay-per-view adult films watched by her husband. Yesterday, a link from her department’s Home Office website had to be removed, after it was discovered that it was connected to….wait for […]
Jade’s Tribute From The PM
Jade Goody has finally passed away and it is sad. It is a huge loss for her immediate family and an even greater tragedy, for her young sons, that she died on Mothering Sunday. What I still do not understand, is why her death warrants a tribute from the prime minister. Thousands of women die […]