You don’t need to be a brain surgeon to know that if you buy cheap food it’s unlikely to have much nutritional value and could lead to obesity. Combined with a lack of exercise, some degree of obesity is almost guaranteed Apparently, though, obesity is not our fault. Over the last decade we have become […]
Pope’s Resignation – Was This A Freudian Slip?

Today the Pope announced to the world he was to resign his position. The Irish internet news publisher The seems to have suffered a bit of a mistype when reporting the Pope’s resignation statement. It was an error that was quickly rectified – after it had already made headlines of its own on Twitter! […]
Chris Huhne – A Fool And A Liar

‘Liar Liar your bum’s on fire’ might hopefully pass through the mind of disgraced politician Chris Huhne when he is finally introduced to his new cellmate. After all, the judge at yesterday’s trial made it very clear that Huhne is looking at serving time, after he finally pleaded guilty to the serious charge of perverting […]
Nick Robinson Headline

I am not sure much thought can have been given to this Nick Robinson headline on the BBC News website – but it made me laugh!
Kate Pukes, Oz DJs Gag And The Media Is Sickened

When I heard the news that the Duchess of Cambridge (or should I call her Kate? – she is, after all, just one of ‘us’) is pregnant, I thought ‘that’s nice’. When it was announced she had been admitted to a private London hospital suffering from a nasty form of morning sickness, I thought ’poor […]
Olympic Stadium Legacy – The Biggest Fast Food Outlet In The World

Where do you go to find the world’s biggest fast food restaurant and its hosts who rank seventh in the list of the world’s most obese countries? Weirdly enough, it’s at a place where the world’s fittest people are performing in front of an audience of billions…..yes…’ve guessed it…..The 2012 Olympics stadium in London. While […]
G4S, May & Hunt Compete In ‘Pass The Blame’ Olympics

Few can deny that the failure of G4S to find and train enough applicants for the marshaling and security of the Olympic venues is incompetent. However, it appears Home Secretary Theresa May and Culture Secretary Jeremy Hunt are a part of the few. While it is possible to forgive their need to talk up the […]
‘Proper Chips’ Win The Gold Medal From McD’s

The Olympics is coming; it’s only two weeks away! Whilst negative stories start to appear in the media about the potential for terrorist attacks, lack of security and the like, it seems to me, the greatest act of terrorism has already been committed! I always thought the only reason for a host country to put […]
Parliament, Tired MPs And A Four Day Week

Hands up all those who haven’t yet realised we, as a country, are in the greatest financial mess we have experienced for decades. Hands up all those who haven’t been slightly rankled by politicians preaching we all need to pull together in our ‘Big Society’ and work longer hours for less money. Hands up all […]
Not Many New Friends Are ‘Liking’ Facebook

If something sounds too good to be true, then it normally is, which segues nicely to the sale of shares in social networking site Facebook exactly a week ago. The internet is a mystery to many of us but if there is one thing that has been proved since its inception, it’s that a fool […]