‘Terrorism’ ‘Liberty’ And The ‘Fear of Fear!’

Parliament’s Joint Committee on Human Rights, comprised of peers and MPs from all parties, has reached a conclusion that many of us formed a long time ago – the government’s response to the threat of terrorism in the UK far exceeds the probability of an incident. The committee has questioned whether ministers could legitimately argue, […]

Dial ‘M’ For Mossad, Murder And Miliband

The killing of a Hamas commander in a Dubai hotel last month, is starting to cause an international outcry – officially at least. Mahmoud al-Mabhouh is thought to have been in Dubai negotiating a deal for armaments, when his life was ended by what is believed to have been members of an Israeli secret service […]

Blair And Iraq – All In One Picture!

Having spent today following the reports of Tony Blair’s historic grilling, yesterday, at the Chilcot inquiry into the Iraq War, I was really not sure what impression I was left with. Then, I saw the above picture in The London Daily News and it seemed to sum it all up perfectly!!

Robin Hood And The Twitter Terrorist!

It’s a well known fact that Twitter is the place where terrorists the world over announce their intentions to commit another outrage. Well isn’t it? Errrr actually no it’s not. It is, instead, a place where millions of people the world over empty their heads by sharing thoughts that can sometimes be outrageous and stupid. […]

Does Anyone Really Want To ‘Find’ Osama Bin Laden?

Unquestioning support for the presence of both our own and US forces in Afghanistan is rapidly dwindlng. As the number of troops returning from the country in coffins is increasing, our realisation of the difficulty of achieving a quick exit strategy is finally sinking in. In the US, President Obama is, at present, deciding whether […]

Afghanistan – The History Of Failure.

We are not an occupying army,” Gordon Brown told the BBC on Friday. “It’s not like previous interventions…. We are actually creating the conditions by which the Afghans themselves, and not an occupying army, can run their own affairs.” The words above are quoted from an excellent article in today’s Independent by author James Fergusson. […]

Afghanistan- We Will Eventually Have To Talk (Pt 2)

I suggested it back in July, in my post Afghanistan – We Will Eventually Have To Talk! but now it seems our government is finally catching up with my common sense theory, that nothing will be resolved in Afghanistan unless we all start talking. They have asked the government of Hamid Karzai, the President of […]