A Bloody Nose For The Bully At The Polls!

There are few things in life that generate as much pleasure as watching a bully being given a bloody nose. That’s how it felt last Friday as the final results came in from across the UK, following the local elections on Thursday. The ‘Tory knows best party’ which listens only to the views of their […]

Politically Correct ‘Block’ Heads Remove Black As A Colour!

This should not take long to write…. The politically correct management of the Citizens’ Advice Bureau has decreed that spam emails should not be placed on a ‘blacklist’ but instead be placed on a ‘blocklist’. Can you spot the subtle difference? Clever isn’t it? A spokesperson said: Our approach to language is not prescriptive or […]

UK Is Slave Trade Destination.

One week after my post Heathrow Children Trafficked For Sex revealing children going missing into the slave trade from a children’s home in Hillingdon, Parliament’s Home Affairs committee has declared that the UK is fast becoming a destination of what amounts to a modern-day slave trade. The MP’s from all parties that make up the […]