Three years on from my last post and I feel the need to be back. Why? It’s because the world is facing its biggest crisis in several generations. Whatever the end result, it is likely to affect the way we think of our own longevity and our attitudes to others in the future. Since I […]
Is GPs Blood Pressure On The Rise?
If Theresa May’s government gets it’s way, the health and welfare of many of our GPs is about to deteriorate. Last weekend the prime minister announced that all GP surgeries should be open seven days a week between 8am and 8pm. If they fail to comply, she is threatening a reduction to their funding. What […]
Our NHS Needs Intensive care
It isn’t often I get angry watching a programme on TV but last night was one of those occasions. BBC2’s new documentary series ‘Hospital’ following a week in the life of St Mary’s Hospital in London, was both riveting and deeply distressing. It was even more distressing after hearing prime minister Theresa May’s earlier criticism […]
Obesity, Cheap Food And Lack Of Responsibility
You don’t need to be a brain surgeon to know that if you buy cheap food it’s unlikely to have much nutritional value and could lead to obesity. Combined with a lack of exercise, some degree of obesity is almost guaranteed Apparently, though, obesity is not our fault. Over the last decade we have become […]
Burger Me…It’s A Horse!
There can’t be many people who turn their nose up at the offer of a nice juicy burger. For some families they are a part of their regular diet. Even at last years’s Olympic Games – that temple of human perfection – one of the main sponsors was Mc D’s who, despite all the talk […]
The Right To Live,The Right To Die
The right to live, or the right to die, is a controversial subject. Who has ownership of that right, or that life, is constantly being debated – but, sadly, outside of Parliament. Last week saw a decision in the High Court where a man was refused the backing of the law, to protect doctors from […]
‘Proper Chips’ Win The Gold Medal From McD’s
The Olympics is coming; it’s only two weeks away! Whilst negative stories start to appear in the media about the potential for terrorist attacks, lack of security and the like, it seems to me, the greatest act of terrorism has already been committed! I always thought the only reason for a host country to put […]
Think Yourself Fit – Avoid The Cold
It’s almost that time of year again when everyone around seems to be staring at you through watery eyes or coughing and sneezing in your face. For some, it is a time of sharing while for those bathed in sneeze particles, it is complete annoyance. However, a new study of over 1,000 people, claims […]
Conservative’s David Cameron – Suicide or Murder?
Results from several studies of the sleeping habits of over 1.5m people, released by Sleep journal, show that those getting less than six hours sleep a night are at serious risk of a premature death. David Cameron is said to have been campaigning through the night in an attempt to claim every available floating voter […]
The Man With Two Faces!
In an operation lasting 24hrs and taking a team of 30 medical staff, a Spanish man has been given a new face in a Barcelona hospital. Having lost his original features in an accident, he has now been given a complete new face including teeth, nose, cheekbones and skin. I refrain from imagining what will […]