Grounded Flights – Volcano or Conspiracy?

It seems unbelievable that almost every flight in and out of the UK has been grounded since midday yesterday. According to the air traffic control body, Nats, flights will not be able to resume until at least 1300hrs tomorrow. Apparently, the groundings are because of the danger of engine failure in the event planes fly […]

Pubs, Politicians And The Benefits Of Global Warming

If there is one group of people who must relish the prospect of global warming, it is that of those who work in the pub trade. They have been hit really hard over the last few years with unfair competition from the undercutting supermarkets and customers reducing their spending during the recession. Many pubs have […]

Three Cheers For ‘Brown The Bully’

Shock Horror! It is being implied that our prime minister, Gordon Brown, is a bully and has been intimidating his staff by his rants and physical abuse. An anti-bullying charity has stated it has received calls from No.10 personnel seeking comfort and advice about the upset they are suffering while at work. Predictably, No 10 […]

MMR Jab – The ‘Proof’ Is Still Out There!

One of the biggest decisions for parents of small children over the last decade, has been whether to have a child vaccinated with the MMR jab. The triple vaccine is said to protect against Measles, Mumps and Rubella and is highly recommended by the officers of our nanny state who, of course, always know best. […]

Life On Planet Concussion!

It has been a while since I last posted on here, following my spectacular dive down the stairs and my teeth numbing stop, using my head as a brake, against a doorframe. Since my unplanned flight, I have been living on Planet Concussion. It is a strange world I entered after needing the rather confusing […]

Support World Mental Health Day – You Would Be Mad Not To!

Today, is World Mental Health Day. It has been organised to try to stimulate discussion on what seems to be one of the most stigmatised areas of modern medicine: mental illness. Most people would rather own up to having a serious sexual disease than admit they suffer from the most common form of mental disorder […]

Is Our Prime Minister Depressed Or Just Useless?

There has been an increasing level of discussion in the ‘world of blogs’ over the last week about whether Gordon Brown, our Prime Minister, is suffering from depression and whether he is being treated with medication. To my knowledge, the mainstream media have not, so far, made reference to the theory but I am sure […]