Another week and another police officer is suspended after being caught on video at the G20 demonstrations in London. This time, it is for allegedly striking a woman on the leg with his baton and hitting her in the face with his hand after she apparently swore at him. Yesterday, the police from a different […]
home secretary
More ‘Blues’ For The Home Secretary!
You really couldn’t make it up Only two weeks ago,Home Secretary, Jacqui Smith, was embarrassed by the revelation that her expenses had included compensation for pay-per-view adult films watched by her husband. Yesterday, a link from her department’s Home Office website had to be removed, after it was discovered that it was connected to….wait for […]
More MPs Caught Feeding At the Trough
It is becoming even easier to know when it is Sunday. It has become the day when papers like The Mail On Sunday expose the latest MP who has been caught claiming massive expenses from the public purse. This week, it is former Defence Minister, Geoff Hoon’s turn to perform in the spotlight. He was […]
Home Secretary Fiddling – Again!
As red faces go, it must have been almost on fire! Home Secretary Jacqui Smith, has been forced to pay back money claimed on her expenses. Her husband had been watching pay-per-view adult films on a cable TV subscription, paid as part of her controversial second home allowance. Ms.Smith has already been in the spotlight […]