It seems ironic that women who want to protest about male domination in big business feel they have to go topless, paint their breasts with slogans and set off pink flares. However, the members of Ukrainian women’s rights group Femen felt that was exactly the right thing to do at the recent World Economic Forum […]
Kate Pukes, Oz DJs Gag And The Media Is Sickened

When I heard the news that the Duchess of Cambridge (or should I call her Kate? – she is, after all, just one of ‘us’) is pregnant, I thought ‘that’s nice’. When it was announced she had been admitted to a private London hospital suffering from a nasty form of morning sickness, I thought ’poor […]
When a Good Idea Takes Its Toll

The trouble with having a good idea is that sometimes you don’t discover the consequences of its ‘goodness’ until much later on. A prime example of the above is giving the drivers of lower emission cars the benefit of paying either little, or no, road tax as an incentive for running a more environmentally friendly […]
Gary McKinnon And The Extradition Of U.S. Aliens

It’s only taken ten years for our government to say ‘no’ to the US but finally Home Secretary, Theresa May, has done it. Her announcement, on Tuesday, that Gary McKinnon will not have to face extradition to America was a shot in the arm for the right of all UK subjects to a fair hearing. […]
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Is Jimmy Savile The Smoke Hiding A Fire?

As the Jimmy Savile revelations enter their third week, it’s very easy to get carried away by the stories in the media. However, nothing we have either read or heard, so far at least, has been anything more than heresay or allegation; there hasn’t been any concrete proof of the accusations made against him. Of […]
Megan Stammers – Is This Really Her Happy Ending?

The disappearance of 15-year-old Megan Stammers and her 30-year-old school teacher has attracted the attention of the press for the last week. Thankfully, after much searching and numerous media appeals, they were discovered, safe and well, in France. Megan is now reunited with her family while her teacher has been arrested and is awaiting transfer […]
Kate’s Breasts Are Not The Real Problem

Following on from last week’s revelation that Prince Harry has a bottom, the nation is, today, reeling from the news that his sister-in-law, Kate, Duchess of Cambridge has breasts. The French version of Closer magazine has published topless pictures, which they say were taken of the Duchess and her husband whilst they were enjoying a […]
Online Porn, Politicians And Puzzling Petitions

Even on a normal day, I must admit to finding life very puzzling. The people who make up the human race I find to be even more puzzling than the puzzling life in which we all live. For instance, I am puzzled why over 100,000 puzzling people signed a petition, handed in to Downing Street […]
The Right To Live,The Right To Die

The right to live, or the right to die, is a controversial subject. Who has ownership of that right, or that life, is constantly being debated – but, sadly, outside of Parliament. Last week saw a decision in the High Court where a man was refused the backing of the law, to protect doctors from […]
Confession of an Olympics Addict

OK, I have a confession to make. Over the last 10 days I have become an addict of the evening Olympics coverage on BBC. I was, previously, very vocal in my reservations concerning the benefits of hosting the Games, but I am now completely caught up in the daily routine of checking the medals table […]