Calls To Dry Up The Wikileaks!

If you put water into a leaky bucket, you get wet. Similarly, if you do not secure confidential transmissions between diplomats around the world you get leaks. That one basic fact is what the USA is finding out today as a staggering 251,000 of its confidential memos have been published on the whistleblower website Wikileaks […]

How To Demonstrate EU Style!

With a high probability we will be seeing mass demonstrations against the cuts announced in our coalition government’s spending review, I thought it would be interesting to compare our technique with our European neighbours: How we demonstrate here in the UK How they demonstrate in France How they show their displeasure in Germany All things […]

The Benefits Of A Fairly Unfair System!

I doubt there is anyone who can dispute we are in a financial mess and something needs to be done to control the enormous interest payments we are making to foreign institutions and governments for our borrowing. The most obvious and headline grabbing saving, is to reform the vastly complicated and financially draining benefits and […]

A Taxing Reality For Deputy PM Nick Clegg

In a desperate bid to try to deflect the criticism from grassroots members of his party that he has ‘sold out’ by forming a coalition government with the Tories, Deputy Prime Minister, Nick Clegg, is expected to announce a huge crackdown on the perfectly legal practice of tax avoidance. Whilst it may be on the […]