Mitchell v Police – Who Do You Believe?

Tonight, The Telegraph has been handed the full police report of the Andrew Mitchell incident in Downing Street. It was released as Government officials were trying to convince us all there should be no further action taken against Mr Mitchell. The officer's report states: Whilst on duty at *** tonight (Wed 19th Sept) on a […]

Arrogance, Politicians And An Olympic Legacy

It’s long been thought that politicians have to be born with either a thick skin or a larger than normal dose of arrogance. Some, however, appear to be born with both. As a politician you can pretend to listen to your electorate and you can brush aside criticism of your party’s policies in the media. […]

Is Cameron Trying To Benefit From Benefits?

Prime Minister David Cameron

I really didn’t want to like what prime minister David Cameron said yesterday about the need for benefit reforms but the more I read, the more I was surprised to find myself agreeing with some of his reasoning. Normally when a member of this government starts talking ‘benefits’, it is to paint a bleak picture […]

‘What You Call Austerity’ – I Call A Poisoned Patient!

The Prime Minister said last week: “What you call austerity, I might call efficiency” He was appearing in a carefully stage managed re-launch of his badly bruised coalition with his trusty Lib Dem deputy, Nick Clegg, at his side. For some reason, this ‘show’ was staged at a tractor factory in Essex. I wonder if […]

A Bloody Nose For The Bully At The Polls!

There are few things in life that generate as much pleasure as watching a bully being given a bloody nose. That’s how it felt last Friday as the final results came in from across the UK, following the local elections on Thursday. The ‘Tory knows best party’ which listens only to the views of their […]

Just ‘Cause It’s Legal It Doesn’t Make It Right!

Chancellor George Osborne has today announced he is “shocked” by a fact most of us have been aware of for years – the richest people hang onto their wealth by organising their financial affairs to minimise the amount of tax they have to pay. Apparently, according to a study by HM Revenue and Customs, the […]

Forget April – Are We Just Fools?

Yesterday was April Fool’s Day when traditionally the papers publish a fake story to tease the reader over something that isn’t real. Having scoured the online editions, I thought I had found the BBC’s attempt when I read that our coalition government, who spend so much time spouting on about ‘The Big Society’ are planning […]

Fuelling A Panic?

    If ever there was an example of our coalition government’s lack of understanding of ‘real’ people, it’s the latest debacle over a possible strike by tanker drivers who deliver the much needed fuel to our forecourts. Following on from its attempts to promote negative public opinion on benefit claimants, students, pensioners, pasty eaters […]

Another Sorry Excuse For A Minister!

On the same day Dr Fox finally resigned his post in the cabinet, after realising the ‘sorry’ excuse didn’t work, another minister is forced to try the same tactic. Oliver Letwin, a minister in the Cabinet Office was observed by the Daily Mirror, on at least five separate occasions, disposing of paperwork in the wastebins […]

MPs Just Clowning Around!

I was playing around with an idea of comparing the antics of parliament with a circus, when I came upon a website called I just couldn’t resist the temptation to feed the following names into the clown name generator to see who their clown alter egos would be: David Cameron = Baron Noogstein Nick […]