Is This Our New Democracy?

On the day that Parliament was re-opened by The Queen and her new coalition government took control of the UK on a promise of a more fair society and the shrinking of a controlling state, it seems somewhat ironic, that long time anti-war campaigner Brian Haw was arrested this morning by the Metropolitan Police. Mr […]

‘Terrorism’ ‘Liberty’ And The ‘Fear of Fear!’

Parliament’s Joint Committee on Human Rights, comprised of peers and MPs from all parties, has reached a conclusion that many of us formed a long time ago – the government’s response to the threat of terrorism in the UK far exceeds the probability of an incident. The committee has questioned whether ministers could legitimately argue, […]

Robin Hood And The Twitter Terrorist!

It’s a well known fact that Twitter is the place where terrorists the world over announce their intentions to commit another outrage. Well isn’t it? Errrr actually no it’s not. It is, instead, a place where millions of people the world over empty their heads by sharing thoughts that can sometimes be outrageous and stupid. […]

Arse Kicking At Parliament Buildings!

For a country that has so many surveillance cameras the authorities can virtually see the state of your colon as you walk down the street – and all in the name of anti-terrorism – it comes as some surprise to learn that 50 Greenpeace campaigners (protesting against global warming) have been able to climb onto […]

Is Harriet Harman More Equal Than Anyone Else?

“I’m Harriet Harman, you know where you can get me.” Those are the words of Labour’s deputy leader, Harriet Harman. They were not the reassuring words of an MP to a worried constituent but, instead, are alleged to have been made to a witness, who saw a parked car hit by Ms Harman’s vehicle, while […]

Minister Suspended For ‘Sloppy Accounting’

When was the last time you made the ‘mistake’ of forgetting you had paid off your mortgage? To most sane people it would sound ridiculous. Not so, apparently, to ex-Labour minister Elliot Morley, who has been exposed by the Telegraph as yet another greedy MP fleecing the public purse with his expenses. He has claimed […]

UK Is Slave Trade Destination.

One week after my post Heathrow Children Trafficked For Sex revealing children going missing into the slave trade from a children’s home in Hillingdon, Parliament’s Home Affairs committee has declared that the UK is fast becoming a destination of what amounts to a modern-day slave trade. The MP’s from all parties that make up the […]