Kate Pukes, Oz DJs Gag And The Media Is Sickened

When I heard the news that the Duchess of Cambridge (or should I call her Kate? – she is, after all, just one of ‘us’) is pregnant, I thought ‘that’s nice’. When it was announced she had been admitted to a private London hospital suffering from a nasty form of morning sickness, I thought ’poor […]

Three Days On The Furore Over Kate’s Breasts Continues.


Three days on, the furore over Kate’s breasts continues. Following last Friday’s publication in a French magazine, of paparazzi shots of a topless Duchess of Cambridge, the world seems to have gone mad. She was photographed enjoying some ‘down time’ with her husband. The couple were doing only what most holidaymakers would be doing whilst […]

Kate’s Breasts Are Not The Real Problem

Following on from last week’s revelation that Prince Harry has a bottom, the nation is, today, reeling from the news that his sister-in-law, Kate, Duchess of Cambridge has breasts. The French version of Closer magazine has published topless pictures, which they say were taken of the Duchess and her husband whilst they were enjoying a […]

Prince Harry Has A Bottom

Prince Harry has a bottom. Yes, I know you probably hadn’t realised it until today. That’s because the British press were asked not to publish any details about his bottom, in case it invaded his privacy. Thankfully, the Sun newspaper has since decided we have the right to know all about the royal bottom, and […]

Queen’s Jubilee Is It A Celebration Of Being ‘Owned’?

While walking to work the other morning, I overheard a snippet of conversation between a mother and her two young children. The children, aged about 7, were expressing their concern over being late for school and the mother replied by saying: “the teacher doesn’t own you; I own you”. At first, I smiled to myself […]