The Work and Pensions Secretary, Iain Duncan Smith, has unveiled details of his plan for reform to the welfare system. While he is correct that the present system is ridiculously complicated and needs simplifying, he is wrong in his assumption that most people want to stay in work indefinitely. He claims that most people want […]
The Lame Excuse For Action In Libya
Announcing the commencement of military action against the Gadaffi regime’s refusal to capitulate to the wishes of the UN our PM, David Cameron, said: “We should not stand aside while this dictator murders his own people” It seemed to be a rather strange and weak reasoning for entering into what could well escalate as a […]
Driving Down Taxation Street!
Have you ever wondered just how much you spend on ‘fuelling up’ your car each year? If you are like me, you deliberately don’t keep a record, as you know it’s going to be a frightening amount of money. Let’s take it a stage further and work out how much of your hard earned wages […]
Clegg Reveals ‘Complete Bilge’
If, like me, you have ever wondered how two political parties, with differing ideologies, can form a coalition government and run our country, you will be pleased to read that deputy prime minister, Nick Clegg, has revealed all. In an interview in today’s Independent entitled ‘I Told Cameron He Was Talking Complete Bilge’ he said: […]
Fuel Your Anger At MPs Not Road Users!
With fuel prices continuing to rise on the back of the political unrest in the Middle East, it is understandable that fuel users here are becoming increasingly frustrated. It is tempting for campaigning groups to contemplate taking direct action by staging ‘go slows’ on major roads or blockading oil refineries. While it may be understandable […]
A Long Time Resting…..
It’s been almost two months since I’ve posted on here and I am ashamed of myself; I needed a break. I’ve also been testing new technologies to make my writing life easier but somehow I never got re-started. A lot has happened in the world in the time I have been away and if I […]
Dreaming Of A Tough Life In California While Facing The Reality That Is The UK!
Spare a thought for those living in the US state of California who are complaining that a gallon of fuel for their vehicles has risen to the ridiculous price of three dollars (£1.79 in our currency). While I was shelling out my £1.22 per litre (£5.44 per gallon) in my local Asda this morning, I […]
Is Vince Cable A Fool Or A Mischief Maker?
Is this the face of a fool or the face of a mischief maker? Business Secretary, Vince Cable, who has long been respected for his forthright views on the economy and his personal reservations about his party’s power sharing coalition with the Conservatives, has been caught in a ‘sting’ by two journalists from the Daily […]
Can We Really Afford The Cost Of Stealing From The Courts?
The Justice Ministry has announced the cuts it will be making to the courts system following the Coalition’s spending review. Justice Minister, Jonathan Djanogly used the customary LibCon ‘get out of jail’ excuse for the cuts saying the present system is “unsustainable”. 93 Magistrates’ courts will be closed along with 49 County Courts but according […]
Are Our Students Becoming Our Teachers?
There must be something about the quality of the lectures on a Wednesday afternoon, for only two weeks after the Millbank riots in London, our students are once again …well…revolting. All over the UK, thousands of young – and presumably intelligent – folk have decided to demonstrate their immense displeasure and opposition to our Coalition […]