While the Coalition Government is in full swing branding anyone receiving benefits as ‘work shy scroungers’ and blaming them, alone, for the massive hole in the country’s finances, it is worth recounting the advice a friend of mine was recently given. She is in her mid thirties, is long term unemployed and has brought up […]
political correctness
Has Israel Finally Shot Itself In The Foot?
“This was not a love boat, this was a boat of hate,” is Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu’s rather feeble effort at an excuse for his military action against the Gaza aid flotilla, in which nine ‘activists’ were killed by Israeli troops. It is an excuse that is starting to wear rather thin, after being […]
Is This Our New Democracy?
On the day that Parliament was re-opened by The Queen and her new coalition government took control of the UK on a promise of a more fair society and the shrinking of a controlling state, it seems somewhat ironic, that long time anti-war campaigner Brian Haw was arrested this morning by the Metropolitan Police. Mr […]
The BBC And Its License For Abuse!
I am almost starting to feel sorry for the MPs who were exposed for making excessive use of their expenses. They have been vilified by the media (quite rightly) and the BBC have been particularly diligent in scrutinising and exposing every claim made. Today, though, it appears to be a case of ‘pots and kettles’. […]
Feel The Lurve And Dream The Dream It’s Election Time In The UK!
The starter has finally fired the gun and the race is officially on to be first over the doorway of No10 Yep, there is going to be a ballot on May 6th Gordon Brown has been to see the Queen at Buckingham Palace, to ask her permission to disband parliament so campaigning can begin (I […]
No Room At The Inn For Gays – But Jesus Is OK!
While the political rumblings might not be as severe as the 7.2 on the Richter scale being experienced by those in Mexico, Shadow Home Secretary, Chris Grayling, must have felt more than a little quake in the pit of his stomach following publication of comments he made in private to the Centre For Policy Studies, […]
Gordon Brown, Iraq And The Ominous ‘World Order’
PM Gordon Brown’s appearance, today, in front of the Iraq Inquiry into the war was, as expected, forceful and confident. He told the panel the war had been “right” He said he had been convinced by his own intelligence briefings that Iraq “had to be dealt with” as it had become a threat. He thought […]
Three Cheers For ‘Brown The Bully’
Shock Horror! It is being implied that our prime minister, Gordon Brown, is a bully and has been intimidating his staff by his rants and physical abuse. An anti-bullying charity has stated it has received calls from No.10 personnel seeking comfort and advice about the upset they are suffering while at work. Predictably, No 10 […]
MMR Jab – The ‘Proof’ Is Still Out There!
One of the biggest decisions for parents of small children over the last decade, has been whether to have a child vaccinated with the MMR jab. The triple vaccine is said to protect against Measles, Mumps and Rubella and is highly recommended by the officers of our nanny state who, of course, always know best. […]
Robin Hood And The Twitter Terrorist!
It’s a well known fact that Twitter is the place where terrorists the world over announce their intentions to commit another outrage. Well isn’t it? Errrr actually no it’s not. It is, instead, a place where millions of people the world over empty their heads by sharing thoughts that can sometimes be outrageous and stupid. […]