Prince Harry Has A Bottom

Prince Harry has a bottom. Yes, I know you probably hadn’t realised it until today. That’s because the British press were asked not to publish any details about his bottom, in case it invaded his privacy. Thankfully, the Sun newspaper has since decided we have the right to know all about the royal bottom, and […]

Will The Olympic Flame’s Warmth Fade?

After seven years of planning, and 16 days of competition, the main Olympic flame has finally faded in London. While for now, we bathe in the warmth of it’s memory, the future might not be so warm. We started the Games by giving the world a bizarre history lesson of our country and we ended […]

‘Proper Chips’ Win The Gold Medal From McD’s

Proper Chips

The Olympics is coming; it’s only two weeks away! Whilst negative stories start to appear in the media about the potential for terrorist attacks, lack of security and the like, it seems to me, the greatest act of terrorism has already been committed! I always thought the only reason for a host country to put […]

Is This Our New Democracy?

On the day that Parliament was re-opened by The Queen and her new coalition government took control of the UK on a promise of a more fair society and the shrinking of a controlling state, it seems somewhat ironic, that long time anti-war campaigner Brian Haw was arrested this morning by the Metropolitan Police. Mr […]

The Hacker Who Broke Into US Never-Never Land!

“Cyberspace doesn’t exist any more than never-never land. I was no more in America than anyone who is on a long-distance telephone call. The fiction of cyberspace should be properly tested in a British court because it is no more real than Santa Claus. They cannot “return” me to a country I wasn’t in, yet […]

Conservative’s David Cameron – Suicide or Murder?

Results from several studies of the sleeping habits of over 1.5m people, released by Sleep journal, show that those getting less than six hours sleep a night are at serious risk of a premature death. David Cameron is said to have been campaigning through the night in an attempt to claim every available floating voter […]